I awoke this morning to find a new piece of music by Peter Larson, co-founder of the infamous Bulb Records, Professor of Mathematics and old, dorky friend. He and his label Bulb (co-founded with Jim Magas) are pretty much responsible for a large section the modern music scene in my opinion. He released, believed in and supported (to some extent) the late 90’s and early 00’s noise and weirdo music scene in the US and Japan releasing some of the first albums by Wolf Eyes, Quintron, Andrew W.K., USA Is A Monster, King Brothers, Demolition Doll Rods and many, many other crazy artists. He was also a pretty good musician himself fronting the band 25 Suaves and some kick-ass solo projects. Though retired from the music scene and studying malaria in Africa currently, occasionally he puts out some new music….take a listen…..